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Our bachelor program Informationstechnik is a modern three-year curriculum in which students learn a broad set of enginering skills. The program is mainly taught in German language; some advanced courses are in English. Two branches of study (majors) are offered: the standard information and communications engineering major and an engineering management major (in German: Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen Informationstechnik). 

The contents of the engineering program can be structured as follows:

Information and communications engineering

  • Electronics and circuits
  • Signals and systems
  • Measurement and control engineering
  • Computer and network engineering

Basics in mathematics and sciences

  • Mathematics
  • Electrical engineering and physics
  • Computer science and software engineering

Nontechnical subjects

  • Soft skills
  • Free electives

Practical and project experience

  • Laboratory information and communications engineering
  • Bachelor thesis and seminar

Graduates from this bachelor program find jobs in high-tech industry and technology consulting. They are also entitled to enroll into the ICE master program in Klagenfurt.

What do I learn in the first semester?

The following lectures along with their accompanying exercise and lab courses are typically taken in the first semester:

  • Introduction to Computer Science: Information; data representation; computer architecture; software; peripheral devices; operating systems; computer networks; history of computer science.
  • Introduction to Programming:
  • Electricity and Magnetism: Electrostatics; electric current; magnetic field; electromagnetic induction; electromagnetic waves.
  • Analysis I: Elementary propositional logic; real and complex numbers; sequences and series; function limits and continuity; power series; differentiation of real functions; Taylor series and extremal value problems; integration of real functions.

What are the core ICE bachelor courses?

  • Design of Digital Circuits: Digital systems and information; Boolean algebra; combinational logic circuits; circuit optimization; arithmetic functions; sequential circuits; register transfer; computer architecture basics.
  • Microelectronics: Basic principles and calculation laws in electrical engineering; passive filters; physics of semiconductors, pn junctions, diodes; bipolar junctions transistors; operational amplifiers; field effect transistors.
  • Circuit Theory: Electrical circuits; quadripoles; transistor; transistor circuits; operational amplifier; analog filters.
  • System Theory
  • Computer Architecture
  • Communications Engineering
  • Digital Signal Processing
  • Operating Systems: Processes and threads; systems programming in Unix/Linux; deadlocks; memory management; file systems; input/output; case studies (Unix/Linux, Windows).
  • Measurement Science, Sensors and Actuators: Measurement uncertainty; components of measurement and actuator chains; measurement of electrical quantities; measurement of non-electrical quantities; actuators (electromagnetic actuators, electromotors, piezoelectric acuators, electro- and magnetostriction, thermal actuation); application examples.
  • Computer Networks and Network Programming: Multithreading in Java; application layer; transport layer; network layer; data link layer; local area networks; physical layer; wireless and mobile networks.
  • Control Engineering

What are the core engineering management courses?